01 - 1440

1440.  That’s how many minutes are in a day.  No one gets any more or any less.  How you spend those minutes everyday is completely up to you.  It is the difference in living a life that you design or living life by default. The wonderful thing is that we have been designed to have the capability to decide how you are going to face every opportunity or challenge in those 1440 minutes. That’s one of the many things that sets apart from the animal kingdom.

Ask yourself this simple question when you wake up in the morning: “Is life working for me or against me?” I would argue that life is always working for us. If you believe that it doesn’t then why even get out of bed. If you truly feel that way then let’s talk. I can help. Go here http://bit.ly/Th1nkd1f 

            Step 1 of leadership is your ability to lead yourself.  You have to motivate yourself everyday.  You are the chief environmentalist in you organization, no matter how big or small.  What kind of environment do you want to foster in your organization?  Probably even more importantly is what is your INTENTION for the day in your life? Who are wanting to become? Go be that person.  

            I know remembering the limited number of minutes in a day helps to motivate me.  It reminds me just how finite life is.  Just how precious life is.  Anyone who has been deployed in combat or has had a life-threatening event knows how precious it is to be alive or just how fragile life is. As a Veteran I would imagine you know someone that did not return from combat. We owe it to them and their families to live the best life we can live for their sacrifice. They died so that we can have freedom. The freedom to be our best selves, the freedom to reach our full potential. If you have the honor to lead and serve the people of your organization, that is a privilege. Enjoy every day and take on the challenges and opportunities that leadership brings. Enjoy the chance to bend this life to your will. Instead of the other way around. 

            So what motivates you?  What gets you out of bed in the morning?  Remember not everyday is a good day, but there is good in every day. 

            What are you going to do with your 1440 today?
